Well that closes the door so to speak on my Winger & Surf era. J. drove me out in the snow today so I could spread Surf’s ashes where I spread Winger’s just a few weeks before.

I don’t know if I’m supposed to look for signs, or I just want a sign that she’s okay, but when we got there, I saw a Bald Eagle in a tree beside the snowed in path. It leaped out of the tree and flew over the property. So beautiful.

I left my chauffeur in his truck, and I hiked in. The snow was about a foot deep already. I was still able to make out the shoreline (I didn’t expect the ponds to be covered over already, but they were) and I spoke some thank-you’s and good-bye’s and let her go.

So while I’m sure I’ll shed many more tears over the years to come for Winger and Surf, I need to open my heart for their nephew. I thought of him this morning when I slept in until 10.. thinking it was probably the last Saturday for awhile I’ll be able to sleep in.. at least until he grows a bigger bladder 😉

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