Well this week it’s starting to sink in that I’m jobless. It is really odd to be at home. I feel so guilty if I leave my computer for a minute, thinking of Jeff at work earning his cheque to support me too now. I pack his lunch in the morning like every good house bum should do for her man.

Today the temperature went up to 10°C! The snow is running off the roof like rain. It was sunny for a couple of hours so I took Monty for a short walk up to the mailbox by the store to send out some mail. I had a couple of windows open for most of the day and turned off the furnace (I better remember to turn that back up).

Yesterday I was busy calling up all the accounts for the house and arranging to turn off the services (phone, cable, internet, oil, PUC, water tank rental, etc). It went smoother than I thought. I’m not getting my phone forwarded, so after April 2nd, you can find me at my Mom’s – until we find a place to live. Shaw Cable is just like their commercials say – they are the nicest customer service reps ever – you just want to stretch back and chat it up for awhile.

Today I started pitching more stuff that doesn’t need to be moved just to sit in storage. I don’t need the movers to come into a messy house so that might keep me busy some of these days. I’ve done laundry and dishes and have taken the garage out just like a good house bum should.

Tonight is Monty’s obedience and agility class. I wish it wasn’t 90 minutes long – it’s a long 90 minutes. But the last 30 minutes is agility and that is Monty’s favourite. He has no fear and will jump over and run through anything (especially when they train each task with a bowl of hot-dog bits at the end).

Next week is our Michigan vacation! I’m excited we’ll have a few days stress free to relax before things go crazy the next week (the movers come).

What I’m listening to right now: Monty ruff-ruffing in his sleep

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