Jeff found out this morning that he has indeed passed all the tests so far and he has been selected for an interview for the Nova Scotia jobs!

Our life is already in total upheaval so not knowing for more weeks (months?) where we are going to be living isn’t such a big deal. They haven’t set a date for the interviews yet but I imagine he’ll be flying back out to Halifax for it.

I’m happy and proud that he passed that last manager’s test. I couldn’t even read through the information package because it was so dry and boring. He not only read it, he studied it and nailed it!

So in other news, Julie called today for a ride. She’s stranded in Pittsburgh with Dad and Patrick and Patrick’s Grandpa. They went down to watch a hockey game and Dad’s van died. She’ll update her blog when he gets back so watch for her update with all the details of the story. Luckily they hooked someone else into driving down there to pick them up. I think Dad’s van is heading to the scrap yard.

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