My toe was well enough for me to help Jeff stack wood yesterday. I don’t mind stacking wood, it feels good to use my muscles! And having to move it over in the wagon and ATV gives a quick break and stretch too. The wood moves pretty fast when we’re both working at it.

(Only issue is this coconut/orchid shampoo I have been using attracts blackflies.. SWARMS of blackflies. But a hat and a few sprits of Deep Woods Off keeps everything under control 😉 )

Anyway, we have one side of the woodshed full already. Two truck loads to go – will they fit in the woodshed? I’m not sure! It’ll be close! We could put some in the basement to start drying too.

Jeff is voting we have our first fire in December. I’m going for September. So that means it will probably be October or November. With our big stove, it takes a good 24 hours to heat up the stove, and the basement, and the basement walls before the rest of the house really starts feeling heat, so there is no reason to just have one fire here and there.

Looks like all the potential tropical storms have petered out and/or blown away into the ocean so there are no hurricanes to get excited about yet. Maybe next month!

My mom is over in PEI this month, renting my uncle’s cottage with her friends. She has a break this coming weekend from visitors, with just one friend expected over the weekend, so I plan to head over and visit. Jeff is leaning strongly to “opting-out” … something about “3 women” and “shopping” and “couldn’t take it” so he may prefer a weekend on his own 🙂

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