My Mom and sister are taking the train here to visit for Christmas and New Years.

This is exciting and gives me a project.  Preparing for their arrival!!

Here is my prep work so far:

Decide on components for Christmas dinner.  Check.

Buy Julie extra thick and warm fleece sheets for her bed. Check.

Buy Julie new thick blanket for her bed. Check.

Tease Mom and Julie that we don’t heat our house much and they may freeze.  In Progress.

Remind them they have their own baseboard heaters in their guest bedrooms. To do.

Surf the web for creative Christmas-y table centre pieces. Check.

Hope Jeff skips over that last one. In progress.

Plan Griswold-like light show for outside.  To be determined.

Buy turkey.  For Jeff’s list.

Plan meal plans and sweets and snacks and dips and drinks. Check.

Warn Mom and Julie to bring bigger pants for the way home. Check.

Ignore Julie’s threats of sweet potatoes and cauliflower pizza crusts. Check.

Buy bedside table sweets for guest bedrooms. Check.

Hide bedside sweets so I don’t eat them. Check.

Move grow light set-up to the basement. Check.

Get distracted and plant mixed lettuce greens and cherry tomatoes. Check.

Recover parsley from outside and put parsley pot under grow-light. Check.

Stack wood for the second half of the winter.  In progress.  And by that I mean, thinking about it is in progress.

Watch 3 hours of the Food Network. Decide I have a secret passion and skill for making chocolates and I should really buy some supplies and molds.  Check.

Hope that was a passing thought. Check.

Browse the yard isle at Walmart debating what to knit for Christmas presents. Check.

Kick myself in the ass thinking I’ll actually do that when I haven’t finished a knitting project in almost 20 years. Check.

Decide I shouldn’t go overboard with any sort of Christmas decoration because our guests are coming on Christmas eve and I’ll want to rip it all down the next day.  Check.

Warn Mom and Julie to bring slippers and/or Crocs for wearing inside our house because the floor might be cold if we haven’t stoked the fire.  Check.

Reflect fondly on the thought that Zeus is still here to hopefully spend another Christmas with us. Check Check Check.

Wonder where to put a walking stick so Mom and Julie and herd Zeus out of their way during their midnight pee. Check.

Wish upon Thanksgiving’s wishbone that we have a fun filled holiday. Check.

Win wishbone pull. Negative.

Wish we still had Cherry coke in Canada. Check.

Oh wait, where was I….

To be continued.



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