
Every school is closed around here, except mine.  The faculty are on strike so there are no classes anyway, but I’m not risking life and limb to get there.

Jeff headed out to Sherbrooke before 7, but turned around after meeting his employees at the end of the lake. They said the roads their way were really bad and our highway isn’t cleared, so he closed his office for a couple hours to reassess.

We got about 4 inches of fluffy snow yesterday.  When the snow turned to steady rain last evening – rain that was freezing to everything – Jeff plowed the driveway and I cleaned off the vehicles and moved them so he could clear the snow.  I got up at 6am and it looked the same out side, but the gutters were flowing with heavy water and then the meatball-sized snowball started falling from the sky.  It is accumulating quickly and the wind is picking up. Haven’t seen a plow this morning.  I emailed in to work and said I was taking a personal day (we get 5/year).

The snow keeps sticking to the satellite dish so no TV watching either!

Update 10:00am – Plow went by! Jeff closed his office for the day.  Garbage collection is cancelled so now we’re debating who is going to go bring the garbage back up.

Update 12:53pm – Winds gusting to 80km/hr, white outs, snowing, accidents everywhere, everything closed, RCMP telling people to stay off the roads, and just now my employer decides to close for 1pm and send everyone home.

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