Living in the country has a few drawbacks, but only a few. One is that no one will deliver pizza. The other is that our choices for internet are incredibly lousy.

Our internet connection is served to the house via a network of wireless towers (not cell). Yesterday, while I had 24 hours of no internet to distract me, I came up with the top 5 reasons we lose internet service:

  1. Heavy snow
  2. Rain
  3. It’s a weekend
  4. It’s a holiday
  5. You really need it to get some work done

I thought our internet was out because of the heavy snow yesterday, but the wind picked up an knocked all the snow off the trees and the internet was still out.

Thankfully it has been restored this morning so I can work today! Woo hoo!

Here are some photos of the weekend’s snowfall from yesterday morning:
DSC_0096 DSC_0097 DSC_0099 DSC_0100 DSC_0103 DSC_0104

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