AH! Winter arrived last night! And it should be illegal to drive without snow tires. The drive to work this morning was super dangerous. Cars and trucks sliding everywhere, including me, a couple way off the road trying to get up a hill. I waiting too long to put on my winter tires! After redialing the tire place here for 10 minutes after they opened, I finally got through and was luckily enough to score a 5pm appointment. That will give me time to get across town to get my winter tires out of the garage (why didn’t I just do that this morning, idiot!) and get back over here for the appointment. Snowsqualls and another 15 cm coming tonight! By next year studded winter tires should be legal up here in Northern Ontario.
Seriously, I think if you drive without winter tires (like I did for years) you should be charged with dangerous driving. Snow tires make a HUGE difference!

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