Happy New Year!!

Let me catch up the movie reviews first. Four Brothers I give 4/5 stars. Lots of action and suspense. The soundtrack started amazing but the shootings progressed it turned more gangster rappy. Lots of shooting and death, but underneath there is a good story of family with four adopted brothers.

The other movie we watched the other night was The Brothers Grimm. The sets were amazing. The story was odd. The funnest part was picking out the fairy tale references. Overall, 3/5 stars from me.

I’m all excited to start cooking. I have about 30 new knives and new cutlery and a new cutting board and new pots and pans from my lovely family for Christmas. I also bought a garlic press yesterday because I’ve always wanted one. The new pepper mill I wanted too. So now it’s time to cook. I like cooking but I never do it because I’m usually just cooking for myself and I find no excitement in that. Well I’m pumped up to start cooking again. Even if I have to buy a little freezer and freeze the rest of the portions if I’m cooking for only me. I’ve got the food network on right now, maybe I’ll pick up some tips 😉

Julie called at 1:30am today from Manhatten. She went to NYC with Brian and Leanne and are staying at Gerrit’s work apartment. They were in Times Square last night and said the ball that drops is so tiny it’s funny.

Well off to catch the end of Emiril. Adios for now.

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