Well it’s been over a week and this damn cold is hanging on. J. had his cold first and it’s not completely gone either. My ears are still stuffed, and my throat is sore and clogged up.

Anyway, it was a busy week. I missed Monday to stay in bed and try to recoup, then I worked the rest of the week, during the day for my job, and at night for a client. I am definitely lacking in sleep, but I’m impressed with how it turned out. Check my business page for the link.

My client in Georgia has resurfaced and will be hiring me for some on-going development and maintenance work. She’s a hoot and actually pays so I’ll take it. Working for her paid for my truck a few years back.

My business is always in this constant flux between me throwing my arms up in the air and refusing any more clients, to taking on more because I’m money hungry and I want to work full time for myself so badly. I don’t know what or where the happy medium is. I’m really good at what I do, but my time is so much more valuable to me that it ever has been before. I want to spend my free time with my puppy and with J. while enjoying life, and not wasting it if it isn’t a financial benefit to myself. If a client wants me to work for them, they are going to have to start paying a premium price. No more freebies, they drain me too much. If you screw me over, insult me, waste my time, or just demand too much of me, you’re out. Designers are a dime a dozen, I’m sure someone else will be happy to take you on as a client. I’ve let so many clients go over the last 4 years, but every time it was the right decision.

This job I worked on the last 2-3 weeks worked out really well. It was a couple of old friends of mine who are professional and had a good sense of what they wanted. I was impressed with how well it turned out, and how quickly it was done, although there was a couple of curveballs as it went live with the secure certificate not working in all browsers, but it looks like I fixed it this morning before I came to work, so we’re good to go!

So enough of business talk…

This weekend will probably be spent starting my yard work and cleaning my house. I need to move Monty’s kennel run to the area where the last owner has a vegetable garden. Right now it’s on the prime area of my lawn and he’s starting to dig. I know how fast a good patch of grass can go bad with dog holes, so it has to move, even if he’ll be so muddy back there I’ll have to hose him down often. I imagine I’ll put something down eventually to cover half the grass/dirt so he isn’t lying in the dirt all the time. Wood chips would be perfect but I know he’ll spend his day eating them! He has yet to spend a day outside, but it’s getting warmer and he must be bored out of his mind staying in his xpen in the kitchen all day while I’m at work.

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