I haven’t heard a word about Zeus from the vet. I hope no news is good news.

I haven’t showered or vacuumed or cut the lawn, or anything else that would prevent me from hearing the phone ring.

I just spotted a flicker on the front lawn. I often hear the flicker in the woods around here (they are really loud!) but I rarely spot it. So I switched to the zoom lens, grabbed the cordless phone, and went out to get some photos. Luckily I took a few of the flicker through the window before I went outside because he flew back into the trees.

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

We started with 2 red squirrels visiting our bird feeder and now we have a whole family of chipmunks visiting too. Here are some of the best shots I took:

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

flicker,squirrel,& chipmunk

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